13th February 2014

New 4 hr CE class : “Residential UAD Review: The Right Way”

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New 4 hr CE class 

 “Residential UAD Review: The Right Way”


Northern and Southern California

Discounts available


 As promised by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac , the second phase was implemented on January 26, 2014, with WARNING edits converting to FATAL UAD edits: 

  • How many of the new UAD “hard stops” are you familiar with?

Did you know that Fannie Mae has issued several detailed updates to the UAD format since its original release of September 2011?

  •  Are all your reports UAD compliant?


  I will be teaching my new UAD review class in your area:

 See below for Times, Dates, Places 

Click on Links below / Registration is easy through EVENTBRITE

 Seating is very limited, so please sign up today !   


Discounts for AXIS Fee Panel & Staff Appraisers !

 Special discounts for ROS (Roy Meyer) , REAA & OREP members, too. 

 (Working RE magazine)

I look forward to seeing you…



Tuesday Feb 25th in Petaluma, CA (Sonoma County)

            Wed. Feb 26th in Burbank, CA

Thurs Feb 27th in Costa Mesa, CA (Orange County) 



“Residential UAD Review – The Right Way”

 4-Hour CE Class 

 BREA (formerly OREA) Course Approval No. 1210020001

              Scroll down and read what appraisers are saying …..  about “Residential UAD Review : The Right Way “

 Class Description:

Many appraisers have not been taught the correct way to use the UAD format when evaluating the subject and the respective comps.   As a result, there have been many delays in the reporting process.

The UAD format remains the most misunderstood part of the appraisal process.

Now, starting in Jan. 2014,  Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, will be very aggressive with “hard stops” — returning many reports to the appraiser if the UAD format is not followed correctly.

This class will undertake a detailed review of a UAD reporting format and try to clear up many of the UAD misconceptions.

As an appraisal reviewer, I have spoken to many of you in the last 4 years….

In fact, I bet our conversations have been lengthy, since the start of the UAD (Uniform Appraisal Dataset) in September 2011



Since its release, the UAD has undergone some major changes… making it more vital to stay current with all the “curveballs” coming our way.

Listen to the appraisers who have completed this UAD class….

“Great class.   Well worth the time.   Bruce provides new UAD clarity. “
Thanks, Pat D .     CA. Appraiser

“Bruce’s extensive experience, research, and thoughtful delivery, gave me a fresh look at UAD’s “new rules”.   He has a great way of generating discussion around topics which enhances the learning experience for all.”

 Antonia G.    Veteran Bank appraiser

“Bruce Ford has a wide range of appraisal knowledge. He has helped me greatly over the past few years in his reviewing function.  He helps you become a better appraiser.  I trust in Bruce’s ability to drill down into the UAD process and offer insights into what’s coming next.”


Charles S.

CA. Appraiser

40 Years

” I came all the way from Orange County to San Diego… and I’m so glad I did !   Bruce is a great instructor. I highly recommend this class.”

Lori P.

Orange County, CA. Certified Residential Appraiser



“Very informative…. Lots of updates that I didn’t know about…Bruce brings good humor to this topic and keeps you engaged”

Roy M.

22 Years So. California Appraiser

YOUR INSTRUCTOR:  This class is vital to all appraisers using the UAD format, in today’s market.  As a veteran field appraiser and reviewer,  Bruce Ford will share the latest UAD changes that will affect your everyday work.

Bruce is a 22 year Certified Residential Appraiser in CA. and NV, along with FHA Approval. His prior bank experience was as Staff Appraiser and Reviewer for World Savings and Wachovia. His most recent position was as Senior Review Appraiser for AXIS Appraisal Management Solutions, Inc., located in San Rafael, CA. He now operates as an independent Fee Appraiser & residential market authority in Northern California.

 Attendance for entire 4 hrs is mandatory in order to receive BREA / OREA credit 

Have questions about “Residential UAD Review – The Right Way” – 4 hr CE Class ?

Contact Bruce: Brucejford@yahoo.com

Bruce J. Ford
Nor Cal Quality Appraisal

CA. & NV. Certified Residential Appraiser

FHA Approved

Don’t miss this very important CE Class – Register today !

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