FREE Appraiser Marketing System
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Will Learn How To:
- Get Valuable Estate Orders
- Get More AMC Order Requests
- Market Your Services Online
- Make More $$$ as an Appraiser
- Find out how I get more Divorce and Bankruptcy appraisal orders than my competition.
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- FREE REPORT: 3 Steps to get More AMC Orders
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3 Steps to get More AMC Orders
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100% FREE Appraiser Marketing System
I have spent the past 2 years putting together all of the marketing techniques that I use to get more estate orders and to get the most out of working with appraisal management companies.
After getting help from many appraisers across the nation in my times of need, I have decided to share what I have learned to grow my business annually for over the past 10 years.
I have experienced very severe down times in my appraisal business but I have always been able to recover and build the company up to new levels using new marketing techniques.
The tips and advice won't cost you anything and will help to grow your appraisal company. The faster you implement these techniques, the faster you will generate more orders and income.
About Bryan Knowlton - Certified Residential Appraiser
Bryan Knowlton has written for numerous online appraiser websites and blogs and his articles have been published in Appraisal Industry Magazines such as LiveValuation Magazine.
He has also been publishing his annual Appraisal Management Company Directory, available online at Appraiser Income as well as online retailers Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
You can also follow his weekly appraiser podcast - The Busy Appraiser - Available through Itunes.
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He is a member of CCAP - California Coalition of Appraiser Professionals, where he connects with like-minded appraisers looking to make changes in the Appraisal Industry. Only by helping eachother out and working together will change happen.
Most of his writings appear on Appraiser Income where he shares additional marketing information, appraiser job positions and appraisal industry related news.
Bryan has received a BS in Marketing from San Diego State University.
Why I offer all my marketing tips and advice for free:
Prior to becoming a real estate appraiser over 10 years ago I was an internet marketer. I helped small companies build an online presence which sometimes doubled their sales and brought in a lot of customers. I was doing very well, got married and started a family. At the same time I decided it was a good time to buy a house. A nice little starter house in San Diego and I knew I would have to increase my online business to make ends meet. Well, a month later and prior to moving in, the .com burst and 9/11 happened.
I didn't think my business would suffer as much as it did, but my income dropped 75% and most of my clients went out of business. I was struggling to make ends meet.
My wife got a part time job typing appraisal reports for a friend and I was introduced to him at a holiday party. I asked him all about his business and he said if I got all the training, that a friend of his would be my mentor. I jumped at the opportunity, completed my courses and got my trainee license.
I really enjoyed being an appraiser and I was finally paying my bills again. Life was good.
I continued to work with other appraisers after I started my own appraisal company and continued to hone my skills while sharing all my online marketing expertise with them.
The Banks Stopped Lending
We were all doing well untill the real estate bubble burst and banks stopped lending.
Most of my appraiser friends went on to other professions or retired. I was on the verge of bankruptcy and I came across an appraiser that had a small list of appraisal management companies which she shared with me. I quickly signed up to all of them and started doing some appraisals again.
Not enough work was coming in, but I was getting some appraisal management company work and estate orders were starting to pick up for divorce and bankruptcy appraisal requests.
I realized there must be some other appraisers out there that would be willing to exchange information on what was working for them. I picked up the phone and started calling appraisers across the country. I shared with them marketing tips on getting more estate appraisal requests for divorce and bankruptcy and they shared the AMCs and national lawyers that they were working with.
More Work Than I Could Handle
Soon I was getting so much REO work that I was making more money than ever before. I was starting at the crack of dawn, doing inspections all day and completing reports over the next couple days. It was amazing!
Since that time I have increased my annual income while other appraisers have continued to go out of business or struggle to make ends meet.
I am not rich by far. I am an independent appraiser with a family and a mortgage payment. Living in Southern California doesn't help either, but I love it too much to leave. But I do love being an appraiser (most of the time).
I am willing to share and exchange my information with other like minded appraisers. Other appraisers have helped me quite a bit along the way and by continuing to share and exchange information, we can all do well.
There are tens of thousands of appraisers across the country, but only a few thousand have visited my website. I want to share my information with all of them and hope you will be one of them!
Help Yourself And Your Business
Please use the sign up form to begin receiving my Appraiser Marketing System, my special Report: 3 Steps to get More AMC Orders
I hope along the way you will share your experiences, ask questions and get involved in making needed changes in our industry.
Appraisers have helped to drastically and positively change my future, I hope I can help you as well.
Thanks for Visiting. Sign up today!
~ Bryan
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