8th March 2011

Appraiser Marketing System – Free Online Classifieds

posted in Appraiser Marketing |

I told you earlier about online classified ad site Craigslist.org and how good it has been for my business. It is not the only classified ad site out there that brings me business. I would suggest rewriting your craigslist ad a little and post it to the following websites as well:

Ooodle: http://www.oodle.com
Kijiji: http://www.kijiji.com
OLX: http://www.olx.com
Backpage: http://www.backpage.com
WebLeeg: http://www.webleeg.com

For the best possible results, I would rewrite each post a little for each of these websites and keep them fresh by re-posting weekly. I would make one post for standard appraisal services under Real Estate and another post under Financial Services for tax reassessment appraisal services, divorce appraisal services, bankruptcy appraisal services and estate appraisal services.

Once you make your initial post, you should keep a copy of your posts in your email so you can easily re-post the same advertisement on a weekly basis. Make sure to list your name and phone number in each advertisement.

Remember, you might not see results all the time, but once you do it a few times, you will find that some of the links will show up in the search engines for your primary keywords. There is also a large amount of Craigslist users that search there first for services.

These additional directories might get you an order from time to time, but it will also let the search engines know you are marketing your services through multiple channels and give you a little more ranking juice.

Set aside 1 hour every 2 weeks in the beginning. Once you get the hang of it and you see results, it will probably take you only ½ hour each week to make all the posts. The fresher the postings, the better!

I post online advertisements to Craigslist and Backpage for my appraiser website customers. If you are interested in this service, please sign up for a new website at http://www.appraiserwebsites.net. The more websites you have promoting your services online, the better!

Happy Posting! Now get right on it! You will be glad you did.

Bryan Knowlton
Appraiser Income

twitter- http://www.twitter.com/AMCDirectory
linkedin – http://www.linkedin.com/in/appraiserincome

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