3rd June 2011

Have you noticed an increase in appraisal orders?

posted in Appraisal Management Companies |

FINALLY! Is all I have to say…

I don’t know what happened in April 2011 other than the customary and reasonable hoax going down on us, but it was also a near end of my appraisal orders from appraisal management companies.

Well, it seems like near the end of last week and all this week I have had a steady stream of appraisal requests coming to my in box. I still have to toss out half of the requests or place calls or send emails requesting increases in fees, but for the most part appraisal orders seem to have a little increase.

I hope this is only the beginning!

The 2011 Appraisal Management Company directory is available for purchase off my website as well. The list has over 300 appraisal management companies listed with the first 40 being the ones that send me the majority of my work.

Most of them are national, so you shouldn’t have a problem getting work from them, but of course fees vary by region and I have no idea what fees are across the nation.

Let me know if you have seen a recent surge in appraisal orders coming in from the appraisal management companies by using the comment box below.



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