I just wanted to let everyone know that I have newly updated my list of appraisal management companies!
I did something really silly. I was getting so much work from the top 10 companies on my list that I was not updating my license and e&o with the rest of the companies on my list…
I didn’t put ALL my eggs in 1 basket, well, maybe I did!!! Unfortunately with the rising rates I have seen my AMC work come to a crawl.
Because of this, I decided to go through my entire directory again and update all of my information as well as sign up to some additional companies I have got from other appraisers that are still getting flooded with work.
So now my list has over 275 AMCs listed, I got rid of some bad ones, added some new ones to my list of the top 50 that send me the most work and I just got them back from the printer!
So, if you don’t want this to happen to you, or you have seen a significant decline of AMC work, make sure to sign up to the companies listed in my AMC directory before you don’t have enough money coming in to cover your bills.
You can order a printed version of the book so you can take notes inside or get a PDF printable version by ORDERING HERE.
Thanks again and hope everything is going well with you!
Bryan Knowlton
Appraiser Income