24th July 2014

2014 AMC Directory – Updated 07/01/2014

posted in Appraisal Management Companies |

I thought I would make a little video to promote the new 2014 AMC Directory.  I have noticed work picking up and I am getting more work from the appraisal management companies over the past few months.

Still working on updating the appraisal management companies with all my current e&o information and such, I guess I got dropped from a lot of the panels because I did not keep my information updated.

It is always a good idea to go through your list of past Appraisal management companies that you don’t mind getting orders from and keep your information updated.  A lot of their systems don’t automatically send out reminders when information needs to be updated and you just won’t get any more offers.

Good luck out there! Happy appraising!

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