29th June 2015

OREP/Working RE Upcoming Webinar Series

“I sat in on your webinar and found it truly informative.
I wanted to thank you for the service.” – Nick Honiotes, Allstate Appraisal

“Thanks for all of the tips. I found this very valuable.” – Patrick Jones

Working Well with AMCs
(Higher Fees / Fewer Headaches)

Does your typical day at the office look like this– low fees, multiple call backs, endless revision requests and stipulations and unreasonable turn times?

If so, we feel your pain and have an “appraiser aspirin” for you.

This webinar shares techniques to improve your experience working with AMCs, showing you how to earn higher fees and minimize the time-wasting, aggravating back and forth that kills your day. If you’re still struggling to create successful and lucrative relationships with AMCs, this webinar can help.

See how to negotiate from a position of strength, establish yourself as an expert to get the highest paying work, and take back control of your business!  

Part 1: Getting What You’re Worth (Working with AMCs)
You can successfully negotiate fees and terms with AMCs. Bryan Knowlton, author of the 2015 AMC Guide, shows you how to quickly locate and sign up with the best AMCs, negotiate fees and terms, get higher-paying assignments and pick and choose your work for a better quality of life.

There is no magic wand when working with AMCs but Knowlton’s valuable insights, gained from years of working with AMCs on his terms—in the very competitive San Diego market, will help you save time and effort and move toward working with only the best AMCs (and firing the rest).

Working with the best AMCs and negotiating your own fees gives you more power and more choice.

This Course Will Show You:
• How to Save Valuable Time
• Shortcuts to finding the Best AMCs
• How to Create a Fast, Efficient Application Process
• How to Follow Up to Get Results
• How to Get Paid
• How to Land Better Assignments
• How to Update Documents Efficiently
• How to Turn Review Requests in to a Win/Win
Plus: Q&A from a Successful AMC Appraiser


Bryan Knowlton
Author of the 2015 AMC Guide
Part 2: How to Work Profitably with AMCs
Working with AMCs doesn’t have to make you want to pull what’s left of your hair out. There are proven techniques for saving time, minimizing call backs, getting the choicest assignments, and commanding higher fees from someone who has sat on both sides of the desk; an independent fee appraiser and an AMC executive.

Seasoned appraiser, course developer and instructor James Baumberger, President of AMC Synergy Appraisal Services, shares his advice on how to work efficiently with AMCs, minimize or avoid the frustrating back and forth and enjoy a smoother, friendlier, more profitable AMC process.

James Baumberger
President of Synergy Appraisal Services

In this webinar, Baumberger shares the keys to successful relationship management, shows you the most common mistakes to avoid, and helps you create a streamlined process for Underwriting Conditions.

Working Well with AMCs: Two-Part Series
Part 1: July 9th, 10 – 11:15 a.m. PST
-Bryan Knowlton, Busy fee appraiser and author of the 2015 AMC Guide

Part 2: July 16th, 10 – 11:15 a.m. PST
-James Baumberger, President of Synergy Appraisal Services

Sign Up Now!
OREP Members/ WRE Subscribers: Click here for a Discount
Save with a Season Ticket: Enjoy the entire summer webinar series at your leisure (live and recorded) and save: June, July, and August Webinars for a single price!
Regular Price: $237   Season Ticket: $149

Summer Series – Buy Now
Parts 1 & 2: How to Support and Prove Your Adjustments (available now on demand)
How to Get What You’re Worth (Working with AMCs)
How to Work Profitably with AMCs
Running an Effective Appraisal Business
Efficiency through Technology: Mobile Tools and Paperless Appraising

posted in Appraiser Marketing | 0 Comments

16th June 2015

Free Appraisal Marketing Webinar

This Free Appraiser Training Will Teach You…

-> How to make your appraisal business STAND OUT!
-> The best appraisal management companies to work with
-> How to do marketing for non-lender work
-> How to be found in your local area online… and why that’s so important
-> Websites: How to set yours up so you can get found in the search engines
-> The right way to build your list and do follow-up (and how to automate a huge percentage of it!)
-> How to build relationships that will send you an endless stream of leads
-> How to use direct mail effectively (i.e. without losing money!)
-> The fastest and easiest way to get #1 rankings in Google (just wait until you see what we were able to accomplish for other appraisers!)
-> One way to reach your list within minutes… and all but guarantee they see your message
-> How you doing LESS work can actually grow your business 10x faster
-> And much, much more!

Register Now For The Next Webinar – we’ll see you there!

Bryan Knowlton

posted in Appraiser Marketing | 0 Comments

10th June 2015

No More Middlemen – Full Fee Directory

No More Middlemen

Have you noticed a significant decline of lender work over the past few months? Do you want to learn how to get more appraisal orders and finally get off the Appraisal Management Company roller coaster ride for good?

Like many appraisers I have seen a very significant decline in AMC orders over the past few months. I have been kicking myself in the butt for not getting started on my marketing to Attorneys, bail bond companies and credit unions prior to the interest rates going up.

Luckily I have a steady stream of attorney work that keeps me busy due to having a good contact management system in place and a steady client base of bail bond companies that refer their customers to me.

In this book I have detailed the steps that I take to create an inexpensive mailer to get more work from credit unions, attorneys and bail bond companies as well as the systems I use to continually get more referral work from all my past clients.

This is an incredible resource to those appraisers that are really looking to learn how do market your appraisal company and build up your client base so you don’t have to deal with seasonal and economic slow downs. This kind of work never goes away!

Possibly one of the most valuable aspects of this book is the spreadsheets that include:

2500+ Credit Unions
550+ Bail Bond Companies
300+ Direct Lenders


Chapters Include:

  • How To Use the Spreadsheets Included With This Book
  • Will Rising Interest Rates Affect Your Appraisal Business?
  • Getting Off The Appraisal Management Company Roller Coaster Ride for Good
  • How to Market to Attorneys, Bail Bond Companies, Direct Lenders and Credit Unions
  • Step-by-Step Instructions to Make a Postcard Mailer From Card Design to Mailing
  • How To Get Low Cost Mailing Lists Made Targeting Local Divorce and Bankruptcy Attorneys
  • Tested Methods on How To Get More Referral Work From Past and Existing Clients
  • How to get a FREE Local Listing in Google and Optimize it for Best Results

You are going to especially love the Bail Bond marketing information. These orders are amazing and I have been focusing a lot of my efforts to getting more of their referrals. Why?

When I am referred a customer, I quote 3 fees. I base my first fee off of complexity of the appraisal. Lets say it is a standard tract home in San Diego. I quote them $400 and will inspect within 2 working days and have the appraisal report back to them within 2 days. The second fee is to inspect within 24 hours and have back within 24 hours for $800, and finally a same day inspection and deliver of the appraisal is $1200.

Which one do you think the client wants when they are trying to get a loved one out of jail? 75% of the time it is the $1200 fee for a simple tract home appraisal.

But you do have to follow up to keep these clients, and I have listed all the techniques I use to stay in contact with these clients so the work doesn’t go away.

This resource is jammed packed with information and the spreadsheets are 100% sortable by state to make it easy to create your postcard and do your mailing as noted in Chapter 5: Step-by-Step Instructions to Make a Postcard Mailer From Card Design to Mailing

The next chapter lays out the steps I use to get a massive list of Attorneys in my market area by an inexpensive virtual assistant.

Take the time today to order my New Book & Directory – No More Middlemen – Full Fee & Appraisal Managment Free : 2014 Appraiser Marketing Guide and List of 3400+ Direct Lenders, Credit Unions and Bail Bond Companies and finally get off the crappy appraisal management company roller coaster ride for good!

Click Here To Order

Bryan Knowlton
Appraiser Income

posted in Appraiser Marketing | 0 Comments

1st June 2015

Webinar on how to get more non-lender and AMC work

This Free Appraiser Training Will Teach You…

-> How to make your appraisal business STAND OUT!
-> The best appraisal management companies to work with
-> How to do marketing for non-lender work
-> How to be found in your local area online… and why that’s so important
-> Websites: How to set yours up so you can get found in the search engines
-> The right way to build your list and do follow-up (and how to automate a huge percentage of it!)
-> How to build relationships that will send you an endless stream of leads
-> How to use direct mail effectively (i.e. without losing money!)
-> The fastest and easiest way to get #1 rankings in Google (just wait until you see what we were able to accomplish for other appraisers!)
-> One way to reach your list within minutes… and all but guarantee they see your message
-> How you doing LESS work can actually grow your business 10x faster
-> And much, much more!

Register Now For The Next Webinar – we’ll see you there!

Bryan Knowlton

posted in Appraiser Marketing | 0 Comments

17th May 2015

Free Appraiser Marketing Webinar

This Free Appraiser Training Will Teach You…

-> How to make your appraisal business STAND OUT!
-> The best appraisal management companies to work with
-> How to do marketing for non-lender work
-> How to be found in your local area online… and why that’s so important
-> Websites: How to set yours up so you can get found in the search engines
-> The right way to build your list and do follow-up (and how to automate a huge percentage of it!)
-> How to build relationships that will send you an endless stream of leads
-> How to use direct mail effectively (i.e. without losing money!)
-> The fastest and easiest way to get #1 rankings in Google (just wait until you see what we were able to accomplish for other appraisers!)
-> One way to reach your list within minutes… and all but guarantee they see your message
-> How you doing LESS work can actually grow your business 10x faster
-> And much, much more!

Register Now For The Next Webinar – we’ll see you there!

Bryan Knowlton

posted in Appraiser Marketing | 0 Comments

17th February 2015

Free Webinar – Thu, Feb 19, 2015 – How To Get More Non-Lender Work in 2015

If you’re interested in learning more about how to ‘Become a Happy, Proud and Wealthy Appraiser Again’ as well as how to ‘Build Your Appraisal Business’ around more Non-Lender work then join us for a FREE content packed webinar where we’ll show you how to begin making a major shift in your business!

Free Appraiser Webinar
Get off that damned roller coaster ride from hell!

In this free seminar you are going to learn a bunch of valuable marketing techniques we use to get more orders.

Please register to only one of the webinars on 01/15, you have 2 different times to select from.  These are in Pacific Standard Time. 

Thu, Feb 19, 2015 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PST


posted in Appraiser Marketing | 0 Comments

18th July 2014

One technique I use to get more appraisal orders

So I was checking out the forums today and came across a post asking if people use video to promote their appraisal services.

Of course on the forums there were a lot of comments, not giving any real information if people use video, more reasons why they do not do any marketing and then some more about how they hate their jobs… Lol.

So I posted something along these lines and I hope it helps if you are thinking of using video to promote your appraisal services.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

I definitely use video quite a bit when marking appraisal services to potential clients, you can see a bunch that I recently created for this purpose.


There really is nothing special in the videos, I really don’t plan on people even watching them, that is why they are very short videos.  They are super easy to create using Animoto and they work VERY WELL!

Appraiser Videos

There are a number of reasons why you would want to spend the time to make videos to promote your appraisal services.

  1. The first one is that YouTube is owned by google, the largest and most used search engine around.  I think I recently read that more people search for products on services on YouTube possibly even more than in Google itself.  So being owned by google, they will display videos related to the keywords that your customers are using to find appraisal services in their area.  Google will sometimes display those results at the top of the page even before all the other search engine results!
  2. Google also loves new content, new media and all forms of new content, they will quickly add it to their database and give it a little boost when it is new.  You have a way better chance of showing up in the search engine results quickly with a new video that a new website. (websites will usually rank for longer periods of time though)
  3. If you optimize the title, keywords and description in YouTube, you can easily add a clickable link to your website right in the description and your phone number in the title so your customers can find you easily.
  4. When you add videos to your website, in to your google+ or google my business accounts, your profile will get a boost, giving you better chances to show up in the search engine results and the map on the side of the page.
  5. The link to your website in the description will help your actual website to rank better in the search engine results for the keywords your potential clients are using.

One final note.  They are super easy to make.  You can easily create short slideshows in animoto and upload them from animoto to your youtube account. You can also create more informative videos that have the possiblility of getting tens of thousands of views, furthering improving the rank to both your youtube channel and your website.

Before you discount this completely, try search for major cities in the United States followed by appraisal or appraiser.  Most likely you will see great examples of this.  If there are none in your market area, you should be able to get your videos to show up with proper optimization.

If you would like to see a tutorial on this process, you can get a $1.00 trial to the Appraiser’s club and check it out.

Give it a try, you will be surprised with the results!





posted in Appraiser Marketing | 0 Comments

15th July 2014

Newly updated 2014 Appraisal Management Company Directory

2014 Appraisal Management Company Directory Newly updated 07/01/2014! 

On this last update, I went through the entire list of appraisal management companies and removed any of the companies that have had problems paying appraisers, those that have gone out of business as well as adding a bunch of new companies to the list. They are all clickable links on the electronic version and a printed version is also available for those that want to write their usernames and passwords directly in to the book.

With the incredible slowdown that has been experienced recently, it is a great time to update all of your information with the AMCs and sign up to a bunch of new companies. The list has over 200 companies with the top 42 on the list are the companies that sent me the most work in the past year. There is still a lot of work out there.


Why are you not getting the appraisal orders?

There are a lot of reasons why you might not be getting a ton of work from the appraisal management companies. Topping the list of reasons is due to document updating when you get a new license or e&o insurance. You can also reach out to all the appraisal management companies by phone to speak with the vendor managers. AMCs like to work with appraisers that reach out to them and you might even get on their preferred list of appraisers.

Of course fees vary from one company to the next. I have not accepted less than customary and reasonable fees for many years now and I am not about to get started. A lot of these AMCs still work with the fees with appraisers as long as you explain the situation.

Well, I just wanted to let everyone know the new directory is available and you can order your copy today. Thanks again for being a valued subscriber to Appraiser Income! http://appraiserincome.com/shop/catalogue.php

Wishing you success in 2014,
Bryan Knowlton


posted in Appraiser Marketing | 0 Comments

15th July 2014

How Does Your Appraiser Website Rank?

Appraiser Website RankingHey Everyone! Hope you are having a great week.  Today I came across a question from a fellow appraiser about traffic to their website.  They have a relatively new website that is getting a few hundred hits a month and just wanted to see if they are doing the right stuff to get more traffic and such.

One of the first things you want to determine is the number of people that contact you after they visit your website.   Even if your website is getting visits, it is worthless unless people are taking the next step to contact you.

Make sure your contact information is placed throughout the website and that you have a mobile version of your website as well.  That is a good starting point.

The next step you will probably want to take is to get some good analytics added to your website so you can see where that traffic is coming from, and if it is from the search engines, what keywords they are using to find your website.

You can have thousands of visits a month, but if they are finding your website because you are ranking for the wrong terms (funny cat at appraisal, real estate for sale, etc….), then that traffic is pretty worthless to your appraisal business.

You want to determine your keywords as soon as possible, usually prior to building a website, but you can also make changes to your website to help the search engines and other websites determine it is actually an appraiser website.

So optimize your website for those primary keywords and use those keywords in your social profiles, throughout your websites, in your blog posts if your blog, when creating videos and in all of your marketing efforts.

You can track the progress you are making by checking your analytics from time to time and by getting an app that tracks your website ranking.  I like to use an app called SEO Ranking.  It keeps track of your placement in Google.

Iphone – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/seo-search-ranking/id320423449?mt=8

Android – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.leonhuang.seosearchranking&hl=en

Most likely if your website is showing on the first page of google, you are top ranking on all the other search engines.

If you would like more information on optimizing your website, or getting a free optimized website by being a member of the Appraiser’s Club, please visit http://appraisersclub.com for more information and to attend one of our free webinars!

I hope you found this helpful!!


Bryan Knowlton



posted in Appraiser Marketing | 0 Comments

10th April 2014

Need More Non-Lender Work? Check this out.

Appraiser Marketing Guide and List of 3400+
Direct Lenders, Credit Unions and Bail Bond Companies

No More Middlemen


Have you noticed a significant decline of lender work over the past few months? Do you want to learn how to get more appraisal orders and finally get off the Appraisal Management Company roller coaster ride for good?

Like many appraisers I have seen a very significant decline in AMC orders over the past few months. I have been kicking myself in the butt for not getting started on my marketing to Attorneys, bail bond companies and credit unions prior to the interest rates going up.

Luckily I have a steady stream of attorney work that keeps me busy due to having a good contact management system in place and a steady client base of bail bond companies that refer their customers to me.

In this book I have detailed the steps that I take to create an inexpensive mailer to get more work from credit unions, attorneys and bail bond companies as well as the systems I use to continually get more referral work from all my past clients.

This is an incredible resource to those appraisers that are really looking to learn how do market your appraisal company and build up your client base so you don’t have to deal with seasonal and economic slow downs. This kind of work never goes away!

Possibly one of the most valuable aspects of this book is the spreadsheets that include:

2500+ Credit Unions
550+ Bail Bond Companies
300+ Direct Lenders


Chapters Include:

  • How To Use the Spreadsheets Included With This Book
  • Will Rising Interest Rates Affect Your Appraisal Business?
  • Getting Off The Appraisal Management Company Roller Coaster Ride for Good
  • How to Market to Attorneys, Bail Bond Companies, Direct Lenders and Credit Unions
  • Step-by-Step Instructions to Make a Postcard Mailer From Card Design to Mailing
  • How To Get Low Cost Mailing Lists Made Targeting Local Divorce and Bankruptcy Attorneys
  • Tested Methods on How To Get More Referral Work From Past and Existing Clients
  • How to get a FREE Local Listing in Google and Optimize it for Best Results

You are going to especially love the Bail Bond marketing information. These orders are amazing and I have been focusing a lot of my efforts to getting more of their referrals. Why?

When I am referred a customer, I quote 3 fees. I base my first fee off of complexity of the appraisal. Lets say it is a standard tract home in San Diego. I quote them $400 and will inspect within 2 working days and have the appraisal report back to them within 2 days. The second fee is to inspect within 24 hours and have back within 24 hours for $800, and finally a same day inspection and deliver of the appraisal is $1200.

Which one do you think the client wants when they are trying to get a loved one out of jail? 75% of the time it is the $1200 fee for a simple tract home appraisal.

But you do have to follow up to keep these clients, and I have listed all the techniques I use to stay in contact with these clients so the work doesn’t go away.

This resource is jammed packed with information and the spreadsheets are 100% sortable by state to make it easy to create your postcard and do your mailing as noted in Chapter 5: Step-by-Step Instructions to Make a Postcard Mailer From Card Design to Mailing

The next chapter lays out the steps I use to get a massive list of Attorneys in my market area by an inexpensive virtual assistant.

Take the time today to order my New Book & Directory – No More Middlemen – Full Fee & Appraisal Managment Free : 2014 Appraiser Marketing Guide and List of 3400+ Direct Lenders, Credit Unions and Bail Bond Companies and finally get off the crappy appraisal management company roller coaster ride for good!

Click Here To Order

Bryan Knowlton
Appraiser Income

posted in Appraiser Marketing | 0 Comments

3 Steps to get
More AMC Orders
We hate spam just as much as you do. If not more!