10th January 2011

Real Estate Appraiser – Video Marketing As a Local Trust Agent

The two effective and successful marketing tools which are introduced in the year 2010 that the Real Estate Appraisers can enjoy the benefit of are Video Marketing and Becoming Trust Agent for Your Local Housing Market! Video Marketing has been quite effective and has shown positive results on almost all the businesses. It has created a great impact on the people. For instance, the “United Breaks Guitars” video was viewed for 6,987,422 till date. Most of the locals are searching for a reliable “Trust Agent” who will help them know about the changing housing market conditions as it is the largest part of your investments. Moreover, they find video much interesting.

…continue reading the rest of this post: Real Estate Appraiser – Video Marketing As a Local Trust Agent

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10th January 2011

Real Estate Appraiser Tips

Marketing your products and services on the internet is an effective way to promote your business. These days almost every developed and developing country has the knowledge of internet and computer. Everyone knows that internet is the best source of information, no matter what the client is searching for. The client has to just type the right keyword to get the essential and the entire information about the products and the services. If you are capable enough to fulfill their requirements, they will surely turn to you for your products and services. Here are a few tips by which the real estate appraiser can promote its services:

…continue reading the rest of this post: Real Estate Appraiser Tips

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15th November 2010

Considering a Real Estate Appraiser Career For You?

Considering a career as a real estate appraiser? It’s a career choice that offers the opportunity to work outside a typical office environment, the chance to meet different kinds of people and with experience, the choice to start your own consulting business. Here are some tips to consider if you’re ready to take on this exciting, career challenge:

Satisfy your state’s real estate appraisal education requirements.

First things first – you must fulfill your state’s educational requirements before launching your career and obtaining your trainee license. You can take your course in a classroom setting. However, many choose to pursue their real estate appraisal training in an online learning environment. Benefits of this choice can include setting your own study schedule, learning from home and progressing at your own pace. Whether you choose an online or classroom setting, your learning objectives should include land taxation, government regulations, zoning laws and the business aspect of the job, which involves current market trends.
Pass your state exam and obtain field experience. On-the-job training will allow you to implement what you learned during your real estate appraisal courses. On the job training would put you under an experienced real estate appraiser. Basically, you will act as an assistant to your mentor and examine how things are done. It is also the best way to start building networks among prominent people on the job; you never know when a good connection may come in handy. It is not impossible to make valuable contacts when conducting or assisting with an appraisal or even just attending business meetings with your mentor. Make sure to make yourself known to them, you wouldn’t want to pass up an opportunity.
Consider all the opportunities an appraiser career offers. Aside from mentorship with a real estate appraiser, how about working for a bank? It’s an ideal move for someone who wants to specialize in land value and equities. Another is taking apprenticeship with the government, particularly in the department that handles taxation problems and revenues because this is very much in sync with the job. Lastly, after acquiring enough experience, why not launch your business? You could work independently and develop a network of clients and businesses you perform appraisals for, or you can hire other appraisers and serve as a mentor to new, budding appraisers.

An appraisal may be the rewarding career opportunity you’ve been seeking. If anything, it’s definitely worth investigating, especially in an economy that is positively progressing in the right direction.

If you are currently working full-time and/or juggling other personal and family responsibilities, don’t be dismayed – an appraisal career is still possible! Consider the convenience an online real estate school can offer with schedule flexibility and the ability to learn from home on your own schedule. Saving money on gas and child care are also major benefits.

Conduct your own research and learn more about this career field. It might be the best move you ever make for your career, future and family.

Jason S. Cruz is a copywriter for Real Estate School. we provide industry-leading online courses for real estate appraiser that enable students to meet their educational requirements and prepare for the state exam. The convenient distance education courses offer students a quick and flexible way to advance their careers.

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Read the original here: Considering a Real Estate Appraiser Career For You?

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15th November 2010

Real Estate Appraiser Marketing Tips

The best thing about marketing your services on the Internet is that clients will look for you by typing what they need in the search box. If you can fill their need they will call you. But, first you need to be found by these prospective clients. I believe the following are the four best ways to advertise your appraisal services on the Internet.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Search engine optimization is the process of improving the quantity and/or quality of traffic to your website from the search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. To do this you need to appear in the first two pages of the natural (free) search results. Typically the earlier your site appears in the search results, the more visitors it will receive from potential clients looking for appraisal services. To appear in the top of the search results your site needs keywords, such as “Real Estate Appraisers”, “Estate Appraisals”, etc. These are the terms and phrases that possible clients will use when they search the Internet looking for a real estate appraiser.

An additional factor that will help your site appear higher in the search results are links to your website. The combination of the quantity of links to your site and the “Anchor Text” (the words in the link) can help your site appear at or near the top of the search results in Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Statistics indicate that approximately 70% of searchers will click on the natural search results, therefore it is important that your site or directory you are listed in appear at or near the top of the natural search results.

Pay Per Click (Sponsored Links): This is an additional method to get your web site to appear in the search results (paid results known as “Sponsored Links”) these are the results that appear to the top and right of the natural (free) search results. You as an advertiser pay only when your ad is clicked which leads the searcher to your web site. The cost of this type of marketing depends on the amount of competition that is bidding for the same keywords “Real Estate Appraisers”, “Divorce Appraisals”, etc., as you. If you are in an area with very little competition it might only cost you $.05 per click, however if there is a lot of competitors it could cost $10.00 or more per click. One of the problems with pay per click, besides the cost is that statistics indicate that only approximately 30% of searchers will click on your ad. This is substantially lower to the natural search results.

Directories: Appraiser directories can also be very beneficial as they do the Internet marketing work for you. There is no need for you to use your valuable time or money to attempt to optimize your website or pay for pay per click marketing. A directory can do this all for you. They will place a listing on their site with your company information, the services you provide and your contact info.

Local Business Ads: These are the listings that appear with a map to your location on the various search engines. They are free on Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask.com and I urge you to add your business. Make sure to include your type of services in your listing, such as “Miami Appraiser”, “Appraisals Miami”, etc. as the majority of your competitors will list their name which will not describe the services they provide. If you were looking for an appraiser which listing would you notice “Miami Appraiser” or “Joe Schmoe”? I know what most potential clients will pick and this puts you above your competition.

There are pros and cons to the first three methods of Internet marketing. Search engine optimization takes time and constant work, pay per click costs money and takes some time and directories cost money. Determining which Internet marketing methods are best for you is your decision. The combination of all four will benefit your business the most, however I believe that listing your business in a directory could be your greatest option. For a negligible fee a directory can provide the first three of the above marketing methods and you can simply create a local business ad yourself for the final Internet marketing method.

Michael J. Cappello has been a real estate appraiser for 18 years and currently owns the Real Estate Appraisers Directory

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The rest is here: Real Estate Appraiser Marketing Tips

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