18th January 2011

Thank you for Signing Up!

posted in Appraiser Marketing |

Thank you for signing up to the Appraiser Marketing System!

You are going to be really glad you did. I really can almost guarantee if you follow the steps that I outline, you will definitely make more money as a real estate appraiser. I have been using these techniques for years, as well as adding a some new ones when it comes to getting the most out of the Appraisal Management Companies.

This system will teach you how to successfully market your Appraisal Business to get more appraisal management offers from multiple AMCs and give you the ability to cherry pick the best assignments.

You will also learn how to get the cream of the crop, estate orders, and hopefully give you the ability to be less reliant on AMC work, possibly moving completely away from the AMCs if there is enough estate work in your area. All it takes is 1 good client to provide tons of estate orders!

I originally tried to make my system available 100% via Email notifications, but this became a problem due to the length of the emails. I also wanted the ability for people to ask questions or to share their experiences. So when you get an email from me, you will eventually need to click on a link which will take you to this website to finish the lesson for that day.

I always want to help out, so if you have any immediate questions, please post it below!  I will answer them as soon as possible.

Thanks again for joining and I will email you within the next week with the start of the Appraiser Marketing System!

If you need work today, please check out my AMC Directory or No-More Middlemen : Non-Lender Marketing Directory.  You can get a great deal when you buy them both inside of the Appraiser Income Store.

Bryan Knowlton

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