11th October 2011

The Busy Appraiser 12 – Lots of appraisal work

posted in Podcasts, The Busy Appraiser Podcast |

In this episode I talk a little about how busy I have been doing appraisals. It really seems to be out of control right now in San Diego with the majority of work for refinance work.

I am also doing quite a bit of estate work that I get off of my appraiser website. I believe some tax laws have recently changed so I have been doing quite a bit of multi-property estate appraisals as well as some very high end properties.

I also mention the new product that I recently created about getting more work and more money from appraisal management companies.

The biggest tip I have here is that you should counter offer ALL appraisals that you do not feel you are getting enough to complete. I have found that I am making much more money and doing far less work on appraisals that might have paid less in the past.

Please give it a try, I am sure you will be happy with your results as long as you are working with a number of appraisal management companies.

You can get more information on the new product here – Maximizing AMC Orders and Income

Hope you enjoy the show!


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