24th June 2019

I’m Teaching a Course at McKissock!

I just wanted to let everyone know that I am very excited to be teaching an online course over at McKissock! I am going to cover a lot of great stuff!

Appraisal Company Marketing Strategies that Work

Instructor: Bryan Knowlton
Wednesday, July 17, 201911:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST

In this professional development webinar, we’ll cover the top order-generating and new-client-acquiring strategies that are guaranteed to bring you more appraisal orders.  Using both online and offline marketing techniques, you will learn how to create a marketing strategy for your appraisal business that will bring you a constant flow of new work as well as retain past clients.  We will show you internet marketing secrets on how to position your company to receive the most work online and target your primary service areas to generate the most income as a real estate appraiser.

Bryan Knowlton is a Certified Real Estate Appraiser Serving San Diego County for over 19 years and has a BS in Marketing from San Diego State University.  He is the author of the “Appraisal Management Company Directory” as well as “No More Middlemen” – Non-Lender Marketing Guide that are published annually and available online.  Teaching others how to make more money as a real estate appraiser has been one of his primary goals for over the past 12 years by sharing free marketing information online at  AppraiserIncome.com.  Founder of the ‘Appraisers Club’ – a private marketing club for real estate appraisers.  Prior to becoming a real estate appraiser he was an internet marketing specialist helping small companies get their businesses online.

Join us on Wednesday, July 17 from 11AM-12PM ET for this one-hour, non-credit Pro-Series webinar.

Learn marketing strategies guaranteed to bring you more appraisal orders and generate more income. Read More

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