30th March 2011

April 1st is right around the corner

Do you think you will see much change regarding Customary and Reasonable fees come April 1st? It sounds like we are going to have to take up law school to straighten out this question.

Below is an article I received from WorkingRE.com on the subject of Customary & Reasonable Fees.

…continue reading the rest of this post: April 1st is right around the corner

posted in Dodd-Frank C&R Topics | 0 Comments

25th March 2011

Welcome to Appraiser Income

How to get more appraisal orders in 2024

I really need to update this old video! If you are looking for work and have not signed up to all the AMC’s sending work in your area, I urge you to order the new 2024 AMC Directory.  There has been quite a few new AMCs added and removed over the past 12 months.

If you would like to know a little bit more about me and why I write this blog, please visit this post A little about me – Bryan Knowlton

posted in Appraiser News | 2 Comments

25th March 2011

CoreLogic VP speaks on upcoming changes to appraisal fees – customary and reasonable

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011, 2:39 pm

David Feldman is vice president, government affairs at CoreLogic Valuations. He sits down with HousingWire to talk about the impending deadline on appraiser fees under new regulation.

HousingWire: On April 1, the new “customary and reasonable” appraiser fees under Dodd-Frank take effect. What are they and is the industry ready?

David Feldman: According to Dodd-Frank and the Interim Final Rule, appraisers must be paid at a rate that is customary and reasonable for appraisal services in the market area of the property being appraised. The IFR interprets the language of Dodd-Frank to signify that the marketplace should be the primary determiner of the value of appraisal services.

…continue reading the rest of this post: CoreLogic VP speaks on upcoming changes to appraisal fees – customary and reasonable

posted in Dodd-Frank C&R Topics | 0 Comments

25th March 2011

Appraisers! Make more money Next Week!

Thanks to everyone that has responded regarding the oxygen concentrator for my Mom. I still haven’t found one (that I can afford), but I am sure I will get there.

Since it is Friday, I am going to give you a game plan for next week. My appraisal work has been coming in waves lately, so I have been doing a lot of work following up with all the appraisal management companies I have worked for over the past year, updating my information and inquiring about work.

I have 5 great tips for you. You have to do this next week!

…continue reading the rest of this post: Appraisers! Make more money Next Week!

posted in Appraiser Marketing | 0 Comments

7th March 2011

The only thing I’m addicted to right now is winning.

Those are some infamous words from Charlie Sheen. We all need to win from time to time.

On a more serious note, I have had probably the slowest week in the past 3 years last week. I was seriously wondering what was going down, but I think it has been a little slow across the country.

Luckily I picked up a couple estate appraisal orders over the weekend. Now is a great time to focus on getting internet orders for estate, date of death, divorce and bankruptcy.

…continue reading the rest of this post: The only thing I’m addicted to right now is winning.

posted in Appraiser News | 1 Comment

3 Steps to get
More AMC Orders
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