…continue reading the rest of this post: Get Your AMC Directory Today
…continue reading the rest of this post: Get Your AMC Directory Today
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Have you noticed a significant decline of lender work over the past few months? Do you want to learn how to get more appraisal orders and finally get off the Appraisal Management Company roller coaster ride for good?
Like many appraisers I have seen a very significant decline in AMC orders over the past few months. I have been kicking myself in the butt for not getting started on my marketing to Attorneys, bail bond companies and credit unions prior to the interest rates going up.
Luckily I have a steady stream of attorney work that keeps me busy due to having a good contact management system in place and a steady client base of bail bond companies that refer their customers to me.
In this book I have detailed the steps that I take to create an inexpensive mailer to get more work from credit unions, attorneys and bail bond companies as well as the systems I use to continually get more referral work from all my past clients.
This is an incredible resource to those appraisers that are really looking to learn how do market your appraisal company and build up your client base so you don’t have to deal with seasonal and economic slow downs. This kind of work never goes away!
Possibly one of the most valuable aspects of this book is the spreadsheets that include:
2500+ Credit Unions
550+ Bail Bond Companies
300+ Direct Lenders
Chapters Include:
You are going to especially love the Bail Bond marketing information. These orders are amazing and I have been focusing a lot of my efforts to getting more of their referrals. Why?
When I am referred a customer, I quote 3 fees. I base my first fee off of complexity of the appraisal. Lets say it is a standard tract home in San Diego. I quote them $400 and will inspect within 2 working days and have the appraisal report back to them within 2 days. The second fee is to inspect within 24 hours and have back within 24 hours for $800, and finally a same day inspection and deliver of the appraisal is $1200.
Which one do you think the client wants when they are trying to get a loved one out of jail? 75% of the time it is the $1200 fee for a simple tract home appraisal.
But you do have to follow up to keep these clients, and I have listed all the techniques I use to stay in contact with these clients so the work doesn’t go away.
This resource is jammed packed with information and the spreadsheets are 100% sortable by state to make it easy to create your postcard and do your mailing as noted in Chapter 5: Step-by-Step Instructions to Make a Postcard Mailer From Card Design to Mailing
The next chapter lays out the steps I use to get a massive list of Attorneys in my market area by an inexpensive virtual assistant.
Take the time today to order my New Book & Directory – No More Middlemen – Full Fee & Appraisal Managment Free : 2014 Appraiser Marketing Guide and List of 3400+ Direct Lenders, Credit Unions and Bail Bond Companies and finally get off the crappy appraisal management company roller coaster ride for good!
Bryan Knowlton
Appraiser Income
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I just wanted to let everyone know that I am very excited to be teaching an online course over at McKissock! I am going to cover a lot of great stuff!
In this professional development webinar, we’ll cover the top order-generating and new-client-acquiring strategies that are guaranteed to bring you more appraisal orders. Using both online and offline marketing techniques, you will learn how to create a marketing strategy for your appraisal business that will bring you a constant flow of new work as well as retain past clients. We will show you internet marketing secrets on how to position your company to receive the most work online and target your primary service areas to generate the most income as a real estate appraiser.
Bryan Knowlton is a Certified Real Estate Appraiser Serving San Diego County for over 19 years and has a BS in Marketing from San Diego State University. He is the author of the “Appraisal Management Company Directory” as well as “No More Middlemen” – Non-Lender Marketing Guide that are published annually and available online. Teaching others how to make more money as a real estate appraiser has been one of his primary goals for over the past 12 years by sharing free marketing information online at AppraiserIncome.com. Founder of the ‘Appraisers Club’ – a private marketing club for real estate appraisers. Prior to becoming a real estate appraiser he was an internet marketing specialist helping small companies get their businesses online.
Join us on Wednesday, July 17 from 11AM-12PM ET for this one-hour, non-credit Pro-Series webinar.
Learn marketing strategies guaranteed to bring you more appraisal orders and generate more income. Read More
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I just had to write a quick post about this. It has been wonderful.
Only 8 phone calls in the past couple days, all from clients or potential clients…
After receiving over 60 robocalls every day, I really stopped answering my phone as much as I used to. I thought I was helping my sanity by just ignoring some calls throughout the day, but then I would wonder if I actually was missing out on getting orders. It was becoming a lose-lose situation.
I tried numerous robocalling apps trying to get the problem under control but never came across anything that was easy to use and didn’t cost me an arm and a leg. I think I finally found it.
RoboKiller – you can find it in your app store. You can thank me later.
It does require a few things from you, like access to your contacts and then it sets up ‘conditional’ call forwarding on your phone line. Essentially it forwards all your calls to one of theirs, after they run it through their database and caller ID systems it is then sent back to you. But it is done immediately with no delay.
Of course they have all the disclaimers about never using or taking your contact information, the app just needs access to that info to make double sure there are no problems. It states they will not be contacted or marketed to and that is all I really care about. As far as my privacy, verizon, google and facebook knows everything about me already.
It is $2.99 a month or $24.99 a year. They have a 7 day free trial as well. Best $25.00 I have ever spent in my whole life!!!!
They even have answer bots to mess with the telemarketers and record the conversations so you can listen to them if you would like. Hilarious.
If anything changes, I will make a new post about it. Good luck out there, save your sanity, get RoboKiller!
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…continue reading the rest of this post: JUST PUBLISHED – 2019 AMC DIRECTORY
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I just love this image and had to use it. It has been way too long since I used it in an actual post.
With appraisers across the country giving me calls stating things have really slowed down and asking what they can do to get more appraisal jobs, I decided to make a post sharing some recent ideas that seem to be working for me as well as other appraisers.
This is not going to be super detailed, but if you search around online, you can learn all the steps you need to take to get more business using these techniques. I have also broken down most of the information inside of the Appraisers Club as well.
A few things I have yet to mess around with but have heard of other appraisers having great success is as simple as getting your certified general license. Sure it will take a lot of work, but it will be well worth your time over the long run and should help to make you a better residential appraiser as well. I have taken a few classes online to head in that direction, but the last CG that I referred all my commercial work retired so I am looking for a couple new CGs to work with to get the experience. If any CG is interested in San Diego, just hit me up! I get a fair amount of commercial calls each month.
I have been a licensed real estate broker for almost 8 years now, getting the license was as easy as studying and taking the test. I was also a license manufactured home broker as well, but will be looking to get my manufactured home sales license to promote manufactured homes as ADUs in San Diego County. I kinda got my license as a ‘Plan B’ if things got really screwed up in the appraisal industry. But I know many appraisers that also sell real estate and even more than get a commission for referring potential sellers. This could be very lucrative if you have a lot of estate work. I should have been working this angle for years and will be making referrals in the future.
But the top techniques to make more money doing a job that you love is by doing more appraisal work. You can get more work a number of different ways.
I love marketing, so I don’t mind doing most of it myself. But if you don’t have a clue where to start, you might be better off finding a company that will help you with your ‘local’ online presence. They will focus on things like Yelp, Google, Bing, Homeadvisor, Homesnap and most likely all the areas that your business can show up locally in your market.
By having a good search engine presence you can easily get 10x’s more work annually than you would if you don’t show up online. If you aren’t getting any non-lender work right now, then the sky is the limit.
If you focus on non-lender marketing and create good follow up systems to keep your clients, your business will continue to grow.
I am currently working on an all new ‘Appraisers Club‘ that will be more of a step-by-step program to teach you how to properly market your appraisal business, increase your appraiser income and keep your clients. The fee to become a member will be slashed and appraiser website building services will be available if needed. I will also have my own personal VA available to people that would rather just pay him to get a step completed when needed. Look for the re-launch in January 2019!
Thanks again to everyone that has been a long time reader and supporter of all my endeavors. I will be updating the AMC Directory for 2019 as well as the Non-Lender Marketing Guide. I truly enjoy giving back to the community and will hopefully be posting a lot more articles in the near future to help you stay an appraiser during this slow period. I have seen my lender work drastically decrease over the past 6 months and I can only imagine that work will continue to dry up as interest rates rise and home sales slow.
It is again a great time to focus on that non-lender work, build up that client base and not worry about where you orders will be coming from for the next 8 years.
Bryan Knowlton
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Seasoned appraiser Philip G. Spool discusses the differences between working for AMCs and lenders compared to working for non-lenders.
Editor’s Note: The current edition of Working RE is in the mail. OREP E&O insureds enjoy it free! Transitioning Into Non-Lender Work By Phil Spool, ASA I am fortunate that all of my appraisal work is for non-lenders. I gave up assignments for lenders around 10 years ago and have never looked back. I would say the bulk of my appraisal assignments are from sellers, buyers, Realtors®, attorneys (usually for litigation) and accountants (usually for estate planning). …continue reading the rest of this post: Transitioning Into Non-Lender Work |
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Hey Everyone! Hope you are having a great 2018 so far. I was going to start off the year with an article about Yelp and why it is so important to your business, but I thought I better start off with a short post on appraiser websites and why they are so important.
Think of your website as the central hub for your marketing efforts, everything you do to market your appraisal services on the internet should link back to your website to help it show up in organic listings in the search engines and on mobile devices.
There are thousands of places to get websites built these days and I have to make the assumption that you already have a website if you are trying to get non-lender work. If not, check out the Appraiser’s club for information on the websites we build and host for real estate appraisers.
Recently an appraiser told me about their relatively new website that they had built for them and they were not sure if they were getting any potential customers to their page.
One of the first things you want to determine is the number of people that contact you after they visit your website. Even if your website is getting visits, it is worthless unless people are taking the next step to contact you.
Make sure your contact information is placed throughout the website and that you have a mobile version of your website as well. That is a good starting point.
The next step you will probably want to take is to get some good analytics added to your website so you can see where that traffic is coming from, and if it is from the search engines, what keywords they are using to find your website.
You should be ranking for appraisal related terms as well as city or county specific terms within your primary market. You can do a quick search to see if your website is showing up and to gauge your competition by going to google/yelp/bing and search for terms like:
[cityname] appraiser
[cityname] appraisal
You can also just leave off the [cityname] and see if you show up for
real estate appraiser
home appraiser
and terms like that. That should give you a good idea of how you are showing up as well as your competition.
You can have thousands of visits a month, but if they are finding your website because you are ranking for the wrong terms (funny cat at appraisal, real estate for sale, etc….), then that traffic is pretty worthless to your appraisal business.
You want to determine your keywords as soon as possible, usually prior to building a website, but you can also make changes to your website to help the search engines and other websites determine it is actually an appraiser website.
So optimize your website for those primary keywords and use those keywords in your social profiles, throughout your websites, in your blog posts if your blog, when creating videos and in all of your marketing efforts.
I like to use google analytics to track my traffic.
Most likely if your website is showing on the first page of google, you are top ranking on all the other search engines.
The most important thing you should focus on this year will be your local search profiles. After you have your website online you should definitely focus on Yelp, Google My Business and Facebook. My next article will focus on why Yelp is so important to your business and how to claim your listing.
If you would like more information on optimizing your website, or getting a free optimized website by being a member of the Appraiser’s Club, please visit http://appraisersclub.com for more information and to attend one of our free webinars!
I hope you found this helpful!!
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…continue reading the rest of this post: 2019 Appraisal Management Company Directory Available
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This book lays out all the details on how to get signed up with the appraisal management companies and information on creating top ranking websites. Order the book today and you will receive a free search engine optimized website built by internet marketing specialists. All the details are in the AMC Directory. APPRAISAL MANAGEMENT COMPANIES BLOW – BUT YOU CAN DO WELL USING THEM
90% of my work come from the first 41 on my list! – Get Started Today!
![]() Online AMC Directory Available through a membership with the |
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